Samuel Greiff

Professor of Educational Psychology & Artificial Intelligence

Curriculum vitae


Department of Educational Psychology

Goethe-University Frankfurt


  • News on 05.07.2024 - It is a great experience to be part of the editorial team at Learning and Individual Differences. We now include systematic reviews as new submission format. Please submit your work! 
  • News on 23.06.2024 - The OECD is currently setting up the first international assessment in vocational education and training (PISA-VET). Here, we introduce this important initiative and discuss opportunities and challenges.
  • News on 15.04.2024 - Summer term 2024 started and the weather was adequately sunny. A good start to all students and teachers!
  • News on 02.04.2024 - Test adaptation is in many ways an unsolved but important topic in the social sciences. Trying to start a debate in this brief piece in Nature together with Dragos Iliescu (unfortunately behind a paywall).
  • News on 12.03.2024 - New comment out on proliferation of measures in psychology (open access). And what a pleasure to work with such great colleagues. Please share your thoughts on the topic!
  • News on 27.02.2024 - Vocational Education & Training in the spotlight: OECD will publish the PISA-VET frameworks. Register for the webinar on 19.03.2024 at 11:00 CET here.
  • News on 09.02.2024 - Extremely pleased to work with a number of great colleagues across Europe on educational (in)equality within the MapIE-project.
  • News on 01.02.2024 - We are hiring! Interested in joining us? Check out our job adverts here, here, and here (scroll down for English). Deadline is 14.02.2024.
  • News on 22.12.2023 - I am excited to announce that I will be joining the Department of Educational Psychology at Goethe-University Frankfurt as of 01.03.2024.
  • News on 05.12.2023 - It is December 2023. PISA 2022 results just published. And yet, a second PISA shock for Germany…!

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